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The Wolves

Written by: Sarah DeLappe Directed by: Sophia Watt Produced at: University of Houston, School of Theatre and Dance Date Produced: Spring 2023 Costume Designer: Ava Francisco

Left quad. Right quad. Lunge. A girls indoor soccer team warms up. From the safety of their suburban stretch circle, the team navigates big questions and wages tiny battles with all the vim and vigor of a pack of adolescent warriors. A portrait of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for nine American girls who just want to score some goals.

Photos courtesy of: Paige A. Willson and Pin Lim



Soccer Mom: Rachel Bramlett 00: Bre Polite 2: Madison Prentiss 7: Allison Taylor 8: Joy Germany

11: Fejiro Oweh 13: Oliva Smith 14: Ashley Borrell 25: Oliva Knight 46: Lydia Weaver


Progress Photos



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